November marked a groundbreaking event in the Alberta provincial capital of Edmonton. China’s leading expert in Moxibustion, Dr. Chen Rixin, shared his 30 years of research and experience with an eager and excited crowd. Attendees were treated to a revolutionary seminar in Heat Sensitive Moxibustion by the founder of the modality, Dr. Chen.
Participants included registered professionals, students of Chinese Medicine, and members of the general public. Regardless of background everyone was excited to learn how to improve their own health and the health of others through moxibustion therapy. Everyone was amazed by Dr. Chen’s world-class expertise in theory, practice and research. In addition, a seamless translation and interpretation were given by Moxacology Institute of North America (M.I.N.A.) director, Dr. Dennis Lee. The three-day event wrapped up with participants leaving with confidence in moxibustion therapy and an unquenchable desire to learn more.
Also SNAPTCM would like to thank the Edmonton Chinatown Multi-Cultural Centre for providing the venue for this historic event.