Moxibustion has been a long standing technique in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM). In fact the translation of acupuncture in mandarin includes moxibustion, they are one in the same; however this important technique has often been over simplified and pushed to the fringe especially in the West. Typically moxibustion is seen as a smelly and inconvenient therapy limited to very specific conditions.
Thankfully moxibustion is going through a sort of renaissance in China. Through studies into many classical texts and in-depth study and experimentation, Dr. Chen Ri Xin has been able to broaden and expand the application of moxibustion beyond the typical and vague warming of cold and deficiency. Dr. Chen has developed successful treatment strategies for issues including autonomic issues such as allergies and asthma, injuries such as neck and knee issues, reproductive issues such as painful periods and prostate enlargement, and digestive disorders like chronic diarrhea and abdominal pain. This revival is most often related to Dr. Chen’s discoveries and his Heat sensitive moxibustion technique. This technique has garnered tremendous respect in the Chinese medicine communities and is quickly becoming the standard practice of moxibustion around the world.
What does that mean for the western practitioner? One of the major hurdles of moxibustion therapy is the smoke and smell the moxa produces. The smell lingers and can be overwhelming for many, and the oils can stain rooms that are frequently used. Thankfully there are now portable devices designed to manage the smoke and smell while maintaining a quiet and relaxing atmosphere.
Improved techniques and biproduct management are bringing moxibustion back to the fore front of TCM techniques in the modern age. As these improvements expand to the rest of the world they are sure to become the new standard of practice and bringing moxibustion and acupuncture back together as a joined front.